PHARMAC Submission


September 2019

PHARMAC Submission

PHARMAC was considering widening access to the ACWY vaccine and issued a request for submissions during the consultation phase. This was our opportunity to have our voice heard, to prepare a submission to PHARMAC and to influence the outcome for New Zealanders. Thank you to everyone who emailed letters and photos to support our submission, and to those who emailed PHARMAC directly.

On 14 November PHARMAC announced the meningococcal ACWY vaccine will be available free for young people (aged between 13 and 25) who live in boarding school hostels, tertiary education halls of residence, military barracks and prisons. PHARMAC stated “Applications for the meningococcal vaccine to be funded for other groups of people are still being considered, as is the funding of meningococcal B vaccine”. This is our ultimate goal: protection for ALL, against ALL forms of meningococcal disease.

Claire Hall